Speed Limit (RUS) Roll-Up Sign

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Warn of upcoming speed limit decrease of over 10 mph or based on engineering judgment for advance notice of upcoming limit.
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$160 93/ ea
$160 93/ ea
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Model NumberBSW35O
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Speed Limit Roll-Up Sign

The sign that reads "Reduced Speed Limit Ahead" serves as a warning to drivers about an upcoming zone where the speed limit will be lower than what they are currently driving at. This sign is typically used when the speed limit is being reduced by more than 10 mph or when engineering judgment determines that advance notice is necessary to ensure compliance with the upcoming posted speed limit.

By providing such a warning, the Reduced Speed Limit Ahead sign promotes safety on the road by allowing drivers to adjust their speed in advance and avoid potential accidents.



The Speed Limit Roll-Up Sign Can Scale to Every Application and Budget



Identification legend for quick visibility with no need to unroll


Anti-kiting device for stability

Corner pockets for easy installation





Roll-Up Signs with Key Longevity Features

Bone Safety roll-up signs offer longevity features that ensure long-lasting, easy-to-use signage, regardless of the finish you choose for your specific purpose and budget.

To prevent untimely wear and misshapen signs from rolling and unrolling during storage, Bone Safety roll-up signs feature a legend for quick identification and a strap for organized storage.

During use, the sign stays in place thanks to the anti-kiting device, while the Lexan corner pockets help preserve the sign's edges.



The Right Size for Any Application

When deciding whether to use 36” or 48” temporary warning signs, transportation engineers should consider the type of roadway.




No Matter The Application, We Have The Right Material



Standard Mesh – The most affordable option for daytime use only.



Non-Reflective Vynil – Fade resistant vinyl is an economical option for daytime use only.



Orafol SuperBrite or 3M Hi Intensity Prismatic (HIP) -  Ideal for day or nighttime usage.


Premium Mesh – This pigmented mesh is breathable, resists mold and mildew, and is non-reflective for daytime use only.



Orafol Marathon – Bright, longlasting fluorescence. Marathon fluorescence is less likely to lose power over time, making it a safer long-term investment.



3M Diamond Grade (DG) – Another premium option. Lightactivated, fluorescent, wideangle prismatic lens reflective sheeting for maximum daytime brightness.




Pro Tip: Strong and Sturdy Roll Up Sign Stands


The whole Bone Roll Up Sign line is compatible with Bone sign stands. They are NCHRP-350 certified, making them tested and approved for use on the national highway system.

Choose from Springless, Single Spring or Dual Spring.



Single Spring

Dual Spring



Traffic Signs And Safety at Your Work Zone | 7 Expert Tips

The Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers extensively detailed guidance on best practice for traffic signs and safety at work zones.



Meeting OSHA Requirements For Construction Signs

Of the five most common workplace accidents, a construction site is an environment prone to all five.






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