The Meaning of Temporary Road Signs
Understanding the meanings of temporary traffic signs is key to staying safe on the road during changing conditions.

Most people know the meaning of popular road signs like Yield or Stop. What they may not realize is that the colors, shapes, and symbols combine to convey meaning. They identify the category of roadside signage -- from regulatory to informative. Without categories, US drivers would have difficulty remembering the meaning of the 500+ road and safety signs that appear on the country's roads.
The US Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) describes safety and roadway signs. The manual describes how a sign's shape and color convey meaning. For example, drivers recognize red as prohibiting movement and green as permitting traffic flow. Sign categories, their colors, and shapes help drivers understand road sign meanings.
How Many Sign Categories Are There?
US road signs are divided into the following sign categories:
- Warning. Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped with a yellow background and black letters or symbols, such as a pedestrian or school crossing sign.
- Temporary. Temporary traffic control signs notify road users of conditions different from a normally traveled route. They typically use an orange background with black lettering.
- Regulatory. Most regulatory signs are rectangular, with the horizontal sides shorter than the vertical. However, the exact shape and color may vary, such as with octagonal stop and triangular yield signs.
- Guide. Guide signs serve multiple purposes. They inform road users of intersecting routes and approaching cities, towns, or destinations. They also highlight areas of interest such as historical sites, national parks, or forests. Guide signs are wayfinding, providing information to help drivers reach their destination.
- Services and Recreation. Cultural or recreational area signs are square or rectangular with white symbols or lettering on a brown background. Motor services such as food, fuel, or lodging use the corresponding symbols for each service.
- Pedestrians and Bicyclists. Informative signs may use a yellow or fluorescent yellow-green background with black lettering.
Although MUTCD provides the US Department of Transportation's recommendations, states may differ in how they apply them. Be sure to check with the state's Department of Motor Vehicles to verify use.
What Are Temporary Road Signs?
Temporary traffic control signs let road users know the normal traffic flow has changed. Adjustments in driving patterns may occur because of road construction, special events, road conditions, or natural disasters.
Although the signage uses an orange background with black lettering, its purpose is usually the same as regulatory or warning signs.
Most temporary signs warn of changes in traffic patterns or alert drivers to potential hazards. Only a few signs carry the same weight as a regulatory sign. Many temporary warning signs use the same black symbols as permanent warning signs. The difference is the background color. Temporary signs use an orange background; permanent use yellow.
What Do Temporary Regulatory Road Signs Mean?
Regulatory signs represent traffic laws that, when violated, can result in fines, suspended licenses, points on a driving record, and even jail time. Temporary regulatory signs carry the same weight. Speeding in a construction zone results in fines and points on a driving record.

Flagger Sign
The diamond-shaped sign displaying a person holding a flag may seem informational; however, failure to comply with a flagger's instructions is a traffic violation subject to a fine and points on a driving record. If serious injuries result, the penalties increase significantly.
On occasion, the sign may be posted, but no flagger is present, or a flagger may be present without a posted temporary sign. Best practices recommend posting a sign whenever a flagger may be present.
Speed Limits Signs
Construction zones often have lower speed limits. Some states use a regulatory speed limit sign for temporary conditions. Others require an orange background with the speed limit inserted on a white background with black lettering. Failure to follow temporary speed limit changes can result in fines and possible loss of driving privileges.
What Are Examples of Temporary Warning Signs?
Warning signs alert drivers to potential hazards. They may warn drivers of upcoming winding roads or the presence of power lines for high-profile vehicles. When the black symbols appear on an orange background, the warning is temporary. Ignoring warning signs may result in accidents or unexpected outcomes, but no traffic violations are attached to a warning sign. The following are examples of temporary warning signs.
Winding Road Signs
A single arrow with multiple turns indicates an upcoming stretch of road with multiple curves or turns that require drivers to lower their speed. Drivers should also watch for cars attempting to pass on roads with low visibility.
Reverse Curve Signs
These signs indicate a shift in road orientation to the left or right. The symbols reflect the road curve. If the road curves gently to the left or right, the arrow shows a single curve moving from its original orientation around a curve, returning to its original direction.
Other reverse curve signs may use an abrupt shift to the left or right, with arrows continuing in a straight line until an abrupt shift returns the road to its original orientation. The arrow orientation shows drivers the change in traffic flow so they can better navigate the changes.
Be Prepared to Stop Sign
When construction vehicles enter and exit a site, traffic can back up, forcing cars to stop until the obstruction is cleared. Warning drivers in advance allows them to reduce speed and become more vigilant, avoiding a series of rear-end collisions.
Detour Signs
Detour signs are common in construction zones where traffic must be re-routed. They operate as temporary guide signs, helping drivers navigate to their destination. Depending on the length of the detour, multiple signs may be used.

Power Lines Sign
Power line signs indicate a potential hazard due to exposed or relocated wires. Overhead power lines and downed lines require drivers to take appropriate safety actions to avoid possible electrocution. Temporary signs may indicate whether the hazard is downed or overhead power lines.
Guardrail Damage Ahead Sign
Guardrails help keep vehicles on the road when a driver loses control because of poor road conditions or actions to avoid a collision. Knowing that a guardrail has been damaged warns drivers to be careful when passing the damaged area. Because the sign cannot indicate the damage, drivers should be alert to possible debris.
Loose Gravel Sign
Some areas place gravel on a road's shoulder to counter wet or icy conditions. However, cars can lose traction in loose gravel. Letting drivers know that loose gravel may be present alerts them to potentially hazardous conditions.
Men Working Sign
Men working signs should be posted whenever road crews are performing maintenance. Drivers can adjust their speed and watch for workers to avoid striking a maintenance worker. The sign also informs drivers that they may have to stop or move to another lane to avoid an accident.
Why Are Temporary Traffic Signs Important?
Traffic signs inform drivers of upcoming changes in normal traffic flow to improve driver safety. They also display regulatory information that, if violated, can lead to fines and traffic court appearances. A temporary merge sign often appears near construction zones to alert drivers to other vehicles entering the roadway.
Signage is one approach to controlling traffic; however, other devices, such as cones and barriers, can provide added protection for a safer driving experience. Understanding how signage can combine with other approaches to deliver a comprehensive traffic control system helps ensure driver safety. To learn more about traffic control solutions, check out this detailed guide.
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