What Is a Delineator, And How to Make It More Effective

Delineator posts are a quick, easy, and affordable form of temporary traffic safety. From parking lots to work zones, these high-visibility, highly-effective pieces of equipment are the best practice choice for a range of applications. But first:
What Is a Delineator?
A delineator is a category of traffic control products that include cones, vertical panels, and bar barriers. In fact, “bar barriers” are often simply called delineators.
What Makes a Good Delineator?
Typically speaking, a quality delineator is made of either high- or low-density polyethylene plastic. The high-visibility colors include yellow, red, orange, and white. They’re also commonly paired with reflective tape, blinking lights, and retractable belt mounts.
A rubber base is a common inclusion to prevent delineators from being toppled by heavy winds. Depending on the quality, traffic cones and other delineators should also return to their upright position and proper shape after being run over by a car.
Now that we’ve defined this subset of traffic safety equipment, here are six tips on how to make them as effective as possible.
Now, let’s go for the tips!
1. Measure It, Plan It, Then Shop For It
Measure It
It’s going to be crucial that you measure the entire area where delineators will be necessary. If best practice calls for cones three feet apart, you can’t purchase the right amount if you don’t know exactly how much space you need.
Underbuying can be dangerous, but over-buying is poor practice too.
Plan It
Once you’ve measured the area, consider sketching it out on a sheet of paper. It may be a good idea to make copies of it or create the sketch of the area online.
Then grab an orange highlighter and mark where your delineators are going to be. Utilize different colors or symbols if you’re using a variety of delineators as well.
The goal is to make sure you know exactly how many you need and where they’re going to go. Then it’s recommended to buy 10% more than you need in case of the unexpected.
Shop For It
Shop for it. Look for the highest quality options at the lowest prices. Because you’re likely buying several delineators, see if you can find bundle deals.
At SONCO, we offer custom bundle deals for every type of application. When a customer requests a quote, we don’t just add the total, we combine the equipment into a package to create the lowest possible overall price.
2. Deploy Generous Tapers
Tapers (the lead-in areas from normal traffic to delineated lanes) can be wildly different depending on the situation.
For high-speed traffic areas, you’ll want to give a good amount of lead-in. This begins with cones spaced farther apart, then they gradually get tighter as the new driving lane approaches.
For low-speed areas, you’ll still want a bit of a taper area, but this can be more of a funnel than a lead-in. For example, if you’re turning two lanes into one, you could have the delineators start from each curb and line up angled down the road.
The more of a heads up you give to drivers, the less likely they are to be confused by the situation. And a lack of confusion means fewer accidents.
3. Give Early Warnings If Necessary

Construction and Emergency Advance Warnings
Best practice guidelines for construction projects and emergency situations will include early warning positions specific to the application. Usually, this includes a truck-mounted sign, but can also be a worker with a sign or flag.
Early Warning Signage for Customer Service Applications
Whether a restaurant’s drive-thru area or a store’s temporary pickup zone, early warning signage can keep guests, drivers, and employees safer.
For this application, you can utilize customer-facing signage that gives a friendly greeting and an explanation in your brand’s voice. For example:
“Please keep within the cones – while we keep cooking your favorites.”
In most cases, particularly for small areas and parking lots, the delineators on their own will be enough to keep folks safe. But for medium- to large-scale situations, some signage can keep people on track, particularly during off-peak hours when they don’t have other cars to follow.
4. Don’t Skimp On Extra Visibility
Delineator supplies will offer their products alongside optional add-ons. While the reflective tape may be standard, it’s important to add it if it’s not. The extra visibility can be a life saving inclusion even in broad daylight. But at night, they’re downright essential.
Whether a bar, cone, or barrel, you may have the option of a few different areas for reflective tape: the bottom, middle, and top. The more you choose, the higher the visibility, and the more peace of mind you can enjoy.
Another option is the retractable belt barrier cone topper. These can quickly block traffic or protect pedestrians, and they’re an extremely compact, highly effective accessory, ideal for transport and storage.
Also Check Out The Article: Non-Regulated vs. Regulated Traffic Safety Products: Key Differences and Use Applications
5. Seek Expert Advice
For total confidence that you’re getting exactly what you need for your specific purposes, the best move is to seek out expert advice.
Pro tip: traffic safety experts are available at many suppliers for free advice. Sure, they’re hoping that they make a sale. But in the meantime, you’ll receive invaluable information that you can leverage to ensure your venue is up to the highest standards.
You can contact our team anytime. They’ll make sure you’re getting the right products the first time, because their ultimate goal is to form long-term partnerships, not push the most expensive options.
6. Live By the Mantra, “Better Safe Than Sorry”
You never want to look back and wonder what could have been done differently. From buying 10% more cones than you need to making sure you’re utilizing the most reflective tape possible, better safe than sorry is always best practice.
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